elvistudio @ 2010-12-11T00: 29:00
some time ago - somewhere around a month, I invented personal, well - at least for myself, the formula of good relations. Another is an illusion - time will tell, but since the invention it has not changed and I Like do not forget about these "three pillars" of his life. You would think - that's just passed-barely a month, it's not time for some conclusions, but if you think about - is the result my entire life, that I take with respect and love. So, these three pillars - friendship, beauty and sex. About a month ago in my mind drew a picture - Well, or rather, a short film:
meet somewhere, most likely in the company of friends, united by some common interest, or any special exhibition or event for which will not everyone, but only those who are really interested in this topic. or maybe not so - can be they first met on a dating site or just on the street, but they found nothing to talk about, there were some interests common tastes - not so important that it is important that they felt the interest to each other. interest is as a friend - as another person, the person, not as a representative of the opposite sex. will continue until stage of friendship, they may not notice the other M, or G. This step is important to know the other person as a whole, not paying attention to his sex - in order to find out what kind of person he. if all is well and the two become friends - there is something important and characteristic of friendship - the interest and respect for the personality of another set trust, mutual understanding, and other qualities characteristic of a good, healthy friendship.
runs for a while and at some point, they suddenly noticed something in the other, глядя в его глаза, замечают прекрасные черты лица, отмечают красоту губ - они впервые отмечают красоту другого, они замечают в другом - Мужчину или Женщину. здесь happens all sorts of kisses, a touch is a completely different character and sex are also taking place. here on the stage of Beauty. Here they understand that another - the single most beautiful person in the world. They get aesthetic pleasure from the other - this is very important here - aesthetic pleasure another person.
and we came to the third whale - most do not have to "whale" (just kidding) - sex. After some time, small or large - they understand that in sex them no one else is needed. they have all. everything they need - they have. and it is objectively (!) is the best - because the thought does not appear that anything can be even better. it's complete satisfaction. everywhere and in everything - in friendship, in the aesthetic world and filling in sex.
that may still be necessary for a happy life:) maybe something is not necessary? .. This is my picture and I am glad she was finally something to share. You can say that it is a utopia - and I will not argue with you:) - this is my true and I'm with her now good. and probably all of this has already been written and said but for me - it's my own, and therefore a valuable solution that can be ever will be transformed, inspected, compared, modified, refuted by myself and I do not rule out that it is in general - another illusion. see what to do with her time:)
ps I wrote this evolving time line exactly as it appeared to me in the beginning, in the same sequence. perhaps my mind was easier to introduce and expand it exactly in the order flow of time. Now I understand that the essence - in these three pillars, the sequence hardly important (although I really want to put sex in the most-most end, and as to alienate him from the beginning - for me, so it is much more valuable, therefore, naturally and beautiful, when two are already well enough to know each other and have known each other's feelings).
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