Sunday, May 30, 2010

Plastic Smell In Carrot Juice

Putin and Shevchuk

what you think about this?

Yury Shevchuk: Vladimir Putin, can you?

Vladimir Putin: Yes.

Yury Shevchuk: Just call me the day before yesterday was, and I am your mate, probably, some (I can not remember his name) asked not to ask you for sensitive issues - political and so on ...

Vladimir Putin: And what's your name, sorry?

Yury Shevchuk: Yuri Shevchuk musician.

Vladimir Putin: Jura, this is a provocation.

Yury Shevchuk: provocation, well, okay.

Vladimir Putin: My assistant could not call you about this.

Ю.Ю.Шевчук: Ну не Ваш помощник, какой-то чудак, да.

Реплика: Уже не скучно!

Ю.Ю.Шевчук : У меня есть вопросы. Честно говоря, давно накопились и, пользуясь , I'd like to say a big thank you to all who are gathered here because you see before you, perhaps, the beginnings of a genuine civil society, which and you tell us was a dream.

What I want to say. I have several questions. The first - freedom. The word is. Freedom of the press, freedom of information, because that's what is now happening in the country - this country is social class, millennial. There are the princes and nobles with flashing lights, is the pulling the people. The gulf is huge. You all know it.

On the other hand, the only way out - that all are equal before the law: and the boyars, and draft people. To the miners did not go to slaughter, as a penal battalions. To it was all a human being, to a person in the country was free, self-respect. And then raise patriotism. Because patriotism is not a poster will create, but we have so many I see and I'm not alone - the intelligentsia, bespectacled man, say so - we see very much.

We see this poster, the outward manifestations. An attempt to construct patriotism, a conscience in the country through the hymns and marches and so forth. All that we have passed. Only civil society, and equality before the law - all absolutely: and you and me - then something begins. We will build and hospitals, and children to help ... beggars, cripples, old people. All of this will come from the heart, sincerely and honestly.

But this requires freedom of the press, because its not in now. There are fifteen papers and poltelevideniya. In fact, what we see on the "box" - it is not even controversy, it is the same marches and hymns.

In fact, the protest electorate in the country grows, you know it too. A lot of unhappy situation. As you think will happen is, whether you have plans to do a serious, sincere, honest liberalization and democratization of this country? To public organizations do not dushilis that we ceased to fear the policeman on the street. Because the policeman is now the bosses and their pockets, not people.

Generally we have a lot of repressive bodies. I sincerely ask this question. And complete the following question: May 31, will Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg. It will dispersed?


Vladimir Putin : Everything?

Yury Shevchuk : So far yes. I can give you is that the boys invented. Not even invented, and some facts, what is happening in the country, our opinion.

Vladimir Putin: well. Thank you. I will definitely take a look. First of all, I want to say that without the normal democratic development of the future the country will not.

Yury Shevchuk: course, will not.

Vladimir Putin: This is an obvious fact. Because only in a free society, people can be realized. And, realizing itself, and the country develops, and science has developed, developing and manufacturing - a very high standard. If not, then the consequences - stagnation. This is an obvious fact and understood by all. Hence, it is the first thesis.

second. All must act within the law, you are absolutely right. From that moment comes things that require a professional approach. You mentioned the miners.

Yury Shevchuk: Yes.

Vladimir Putin: I can tell you that I am very close to my heart accept everything that happens there.

Yury Shevchuk: Me too.

Vladimir Putin: But the professional approach requires a balanced analysis and legal and economic situation.

Yury Shevchuk: Agreed.

Vladimir Putin: That is why it is happening, one of the reasons? I am told that one of the reasons - is that the constant component of wages at certain mines, as Raspadskaya, for example - 45-46%, and everything else is like a bonus. And for this award people even go on safety violations.

Yury Shevchuk: I, too, in the course.

Vladimir Putin: I made the decision and gave appropriate instructions to ensure that this constant component was not less than 70%. But, Jura, I want to tell you that it concerns coking coal. So now begins the professional part. And there is power coals, where the profitability is much lower. And it all sits in the tariff, the constant component. If we increase it without thinking, then the situation may occur, in which all of mine, which produces steam coal, will simply be closed, they will not pay. If you perform a market economy, in terms market economy, they simply close. And I understand that you are a supporter of market economy, rather than prescriptive "? They will be closed. This is just one component.

Now you say that the police is only the captains. The police all sorts of people missing. There slice of our society in general. Yes, it's part of the country and there is not a Mars, people arrived, yes. There are people who faithfully serve their nation. And do not regret not just health. And do not spare their lives, and the bullets go. Their machines, the same "traffic cops" who "bribed shoot" and "Grandma shear" on the road, there are those - but there are those who turn a blind child with her body, Machine substituted and die. There are also such. Therefore, the smear of one black tar perceived as unfair.

Yury Shevchuk: I do not smear!

Vladimir Putin: you do not greasy, but you said "elements" are the bosses, not the people.

Yury Shevchuk: Basically yes. I go to the "March of Dissent". We are 500 people and 2,5 thousand riot police. We have someone killed or slaughtered?

Vladimir Putin: I have you listened carefully and did not interrupt. And then we have the debate will not work, and get the market!

I think it's unfair - One size fits all. Although there is enough problems. We have such a level of general culture: as soon as he gets some sort of license, stick some in your hands, then immediately begins her swing and try to earn money from it. But this is typical not only for the police, it is typical for any area where there is power powers and the ability to get this crazy administrative rent.

Regarding Dissenters' March. There are certain rules that they provide that such activities are regulated by local authorities. In addition to those people who come to the march agree or disagree, there are other people on the rights which we must not forget.

If you decide to hold a "March of Dissent" - I apologize for being too harsh things, say, a hospital, where patients will stop children - who are from the local authorities there will allow you to conduct this march? And properly done, that the ban!

Yury Shevchuk: Can I respond?

Vladimir Putin: No! And now you want to spend it where people want to go on Friday to the country, for example, just. Or on Sunday evening to return to the villa. Yes they are you there so matyugami cover! And local authorities at the same time.

But this does not mean that the government should cover the things I talked about, and create impossible conditions for the manifestation of freedom of speech. But this is an issue that should be dealt with by the authorities.

I hope that in St. Petersburg will be done this way, the mind: with the right of citizens to express their disagreement with the policy of the authorities on this or other issues. But the fact that the people who will participate in this march, did not interfere others who do not want to demonstrate, and just want to get home on time, want to go to the family, children and so on. We need to develop.

In fact, I want you to understand. I am sure, and other representatives of the government, it does not interfere, by contrast, helps.

Yury Shevchuk: course.

Vladimir Putin: If I see that people came not just to "pobazarit and popiarit himself and say something sensible, specific, indicate some weak points, which government should pay attention to - what is wrong? I must say thank you.

Yury Shevchuk: Here.

Vladimir Putin: I have the same approach and attitude.

Yury Shevchuk: But you see, because local authorities immediately slaughtered all areas with all sorts of roundabouts in the day. There are a lot of hypocrisy.

Vladimir Putin: I agree with you here.

Yury Shevchuk: I want to tell you that last year the city fought to save the architectural center of St. Petersburg. As pressed, you even can not imagine, - Crushed a terrible thing! But we fought for the city - You were born in it - amazing, a gem in the world. There was everything, what obstacles did not put. And people only zvereet from it. Why do this? You have a lot of weight, it must be there somehow ...

Vladimir Putin: 76 kilograms.

Yury Shevchuk: Well it is.

OV Basilashvili: Allow me to support the Jura, Mr Putin. I was literally one word.

Vladimir Putin: course, Oleg Valerianovich.

OV Basilashvili: Regarding construction of the skyscraper. I do not judge - it is beautiful or not beautiful - it's not my business. Maybe it is beautiful. But the general opinion of the majority of people who have some relation to St. Petersburg, love him and know his history, that at this point to put the house impossible. Especially, 300-400-foot tall sizes.

registered Federal law, city law - all the rules blatantly violated, and we laugh in the face. And we feel that power, or someone up there wants to say that guys Laws are written for you, go into the swamp, and we do what we want. And everywhere is written: "will be will be." I am afraid that it is not even in this "gazoskrebe. Its possible to make out as a result, but in the confrontation, which begins to emerge between the government and the townsfolk who feel that their voices are not heard. Discontent is growing bigger and bigger and more - I agree with Yura in this regard. I brought a small example, but hundreds of such examples.

Yury Shevchuk: Millions.

Vladimir Putin: Oleg Valerianovich it big already, it's a great example of how times.

OV Basilashvili: Yes.

Vladimir Putin: very high. Of course, everyone should comply with the law. This is quite obvious. When I answered the question, Yuri, I stated my position. If you remember, I was then criticized for it, I am still in the early 2000's spoke of the dictatorship of the law. I still think this is the correct phrase. This refers to compliance with the law of all: the authorities and ordinary citizens, representatives of various bodies and authorities.

I'm not going to say their final views on this tower. I do not want to formulate it in public. This should solve the city authorities - is obvious. Of course, in such cases - in dialogue with the public. It is obvious fact.

You know, we very often, almost always, humiliating its own national dignity, always compare ourselves with our western neighbors, and all the time say that we are worse. Let's see that in London, let's see, in Paris. Centre Pompidou as built? What's in the middle of the Louvre?

OV Basilashvili : A terrible thing!

Vladimir Putin : I will not give an assessment. I'm just talking about what is happening there.

OV Basilashvili : Let them take an example with us, not we - with them. It is time to put an end to those skyscrapers. Around the world have not build skyscrapers, but we put in the middle of the Neva River.

Vladimir Putin : Oleg Valerianovich, I did not even say it is good or bad. I'm just saying that it is in the world everywhere. There are advocates of a philosophy of urban environment. They are and here and in the world. I repeat, I am not going to judge who is right and who is wrong. But I agree with you, of course, agree that in deciding this kind of power should be in dialogue, listen and keep in mind public opinion.

OV Basilashvili : First of all, be guided by the law.

Vladimir Putin : And by law, of course, to navigate. And are not targeted, but only to observe.

OV Basilashvili : Laws, which in this case violated. And last chord, let?

Vladimir Putin : Of course!

OV Basilashvili : we talked about, remember two years ago on the law of patronage. I am now fully support Chulpan. What does she and her friends - is a great thing. We must thank her. Those proposals, which she now expressed, also very sensible, necessary and required.

But on the other hand, it seems to me that the Law on Sponsorship can give a push to give the dynamics of all this activity. We spoke and you told me that the law seems to be already there, that he was in work and will soon be adopted. But so far no movement in this respect there.

But it is very simple. In almost all countries have such laws. And until the Russian Revolution there was a law - the honorable citizens, the nobility, and so on. That people were not profitable to invest in a yacht under 40 billion, and Chulpan in children and so on. All, I am silent. I no longer speak.

Vladimir Putin: What can I say. I can again only agree with you. Of course, we need legal regulation of such activities. Because you are now thought of the fund, which Chulpan created. I just sometimes look, frankly, too, wonder how they are persistently and consistently, and that I was particularly impressed - not sticking out yourself personally address these rather complex and very subtle things. And, of course, necessary legal framework.

You mentioned that we had before the 1917 revolution. It seems to me we had all the other country, it was a bit different civilization.

Full transcript:


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