Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Plastic Smell In Carrot Juice
what you think about this?
Yury Shevchuk: Vladimir Putin, can you?
Vladimir Putin: Yes.
Yury Shevchuk: Just call me the day before yesterday was, and I am your mate, probably, some (I can not remember his name) asked not to ask you for sensitive issues - political and so on ...
Vladimir Putin: And what's your name, sorry?
Yury Shevchuk: Yuri Shevchuk musician.
Vladimir Putin: Jura, this is a provocation.
Yury Shevchuk: provocation, well, okay.
Vladimir Putin: My assistant could not call you about this.
Ю.Ю.Шевчук: Ну не Ваш помощник, какой-то чудак, да.
Реплика: Уже не скучно!
Ю.Ю.Шевчук : У меня есть вопросы. Честно говоря, давно накопились и, пользуясь , I'd like to say a big thank you to all who are gathered here because you see before you, perhaps, the beginnings of a genuine civil society, which and you tell us was a dream.
What I want to say. I have several questions. The first - freedom. The word is. Freedom of the press, freedom of information, because that's what is now happening in the country - this country is social class, millennial. There are the princes and nobles with flashing lights, is the pulling the people. The gulf is huge. You all know it.
On the other hand, the only way out - that all are equal before the law: and the boyars, and draft people. To the miners did not go to slaughter, as a penal battalions. To it was all a human being, to a person in the country was free, self-respect. And then raise patriotism. Because patriotism is not a poster will create, but we have so many I see and I'm not alone - the intelligentsia, bespectacled man, say so - we see very much.
We see this poster, the outward manifestations. An attempt to construct patriotism, a conscience in the country through the hymns and marches and so forth. All that we have passed. Only civil society, and equality before the law - all absolutely: and you and me - then something begins. We will build and hospitals, and children to help ... beggars, cripples, old people. All of this will come from the heart, sincerely and honestly.
But this requires freedom of the press, because its not in now. There are fifteen papers and poltelevideniya. In fact, what we see on the "box" - it is not even controversy, it is the same marches and hymns.
In fact, the protest electorate in the country grows, you know it too. A lot of unhappy situation. As you think will happen is, whether you have plans to do a serious, sincere, honest liberalization and democratization of this country? To public organizations do not dushilis that we ceased to fear the policeman on the street. Because the policeman is now the bosses and their pockets, not people.
Generally we have a lot of repressive bodies. I sincerely ask this question. And complete the following question: May 31, will Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg. It will dispersed?
Vladimir Putin : Everything?
Yury Shevchuk : So far yes. I can give you is that the boys invented. Not even invented, and some facts, what is happening in the country, our opinion.
Vladimir Putin: well. Thank you. I will definitely take a look. First of all, I want to say that without the normal democratic development of the future the country will not.
Yury Shevchuk: course, will not.
Vladimir Putin: This is an obvious fact. Because only in a free society, people can be realized. And, realizing itself, and the country develops, and science has developed, developing and manufacturing - a very high standard. If not, then the consequences - stagnation. This is an obvious fact and understood by all. Hence, it is the first thesis.
second. All must act within the law, you are absolutely right. From that moment comes things that require a professional approach. You mentioned the miners.
Yury Shevchuk: Yes.
Vladimir Putin: I can tell you that I am very close to my heart accept everything that happens there.
Yury Shevchuk: Me too.
Vladimir Putin: But the professional approach requires a balanced analysis and legal and economic situation.
Yury Shevchuk: Agreed.
Vladimir Putin: That is why it is happening, one of the reasons? I am told that one of the reasons - is that the constant component of wages at certain mines, as Raspadskaya, for example - 45-46%, and everything else is like a bonus. And for this award people even go on safety violations.
Yury Shevchuk: I, too, in the course.
Vladimir Putin: I made the decision and gave appropriate instructions to ensure that this constant component was not less than 70%. But, Jura, I want to tell you that it concerns coking coal. So now begins the professional part. And there is power coals, where the profitability is much lower. And it all sits in the tariff, the constant component. If we increase it without thinking, then the situation may occur, in which all of mine, which produces steam coal, will simply be closed, they will not pay. If you perform a market economy, in terms market economy, they simply close. And I understand that you are a supporter of market economy, rather than prescriptive "? They will be closed. This is just one component.
Now you say that the police is only the captains. The police all sorts of people missing. There slice of our society in general. Yes, it's part of the country and there is not a Mars, people arrived, yes. There are people who faithfully serve their nation. And do not regret not just health. And do not spare their lives, and the bullets go. Their machines, the same "traffic cops" who "bribed shoot" and "Grandma shear" on the road, there are those - but there are those who turn a blind child with her body, Machine substituted and die. There are also such. Therefore, the smear of one black tar perceived as unfair.
Yury Shevchuk: I do not smear!
Vladimir Putin: you do not greasy, but you said "elements" are the bosses, not the people.
Yury Shevchuk: Basically yes. I go to the "March of Dissent". We are 500 people and 2,5 thousand riot police. We have someone killed or slaughtered?
Vladimir Putin: I have you listened carefully and did not interrupt. And then we have the debate will not work, and get the market!
I think it's unfair - One size fits all. Although there is enough problems. We have such a level of general culture: as soon as he gets some sort of license, stick some in your hands, then immediately begins her swing and try to earn money from it. But this is typical not only for the police, it is typical for any area where there is power powers and the ability to get this crazy administrative rent.
Regarding Dissenters' March. There are certain rules that they provide that such activities are regulated by local authorities. In addition to those people who come to the march agree or disagree, there are other people on the rights which we must not forget.
If you decide to hold a "March of Dissent" - I apologize for being too harsh things, say, a hospital, where patients will stop children - who are from the local authorities there will allow you to conduct this march? And properly done, that the ban!
Yury Shevchuk: Can I respond?
Vladimir Putin: No! And now you want to spend it where people want to go on Friday to the country, for example, just. Or on Sunday evening to return to the villa. Yes they are you there so matyugami cover! And local authorities at the same time.
But this does not mean that the government should cover the things I talked about, and create impossible conditions for the manifestation of freedom of speech. But this is an issue that should be dealt with by the authorities.
I hope that in St. Petersburg will be done this way, the mind: with the right of citizens to express their disagreement with the policy of the authorities on this or other issues. But the fact that the people who will participate in this march, did not interfere others who do not want to demonstrate, and just want to get home on time, want to go to the family, children and so on. We need to develop.
In fact, I want you to understand. I am sure, and other representatives of the government, it does not interfere, by contrast, helps.
Yury Shevchuk: course.
Vladimir Putin: If I see that people came not just to "pobazarit and popiarit himself and say something sensible, specific, indicate some weak points, which government should pay attention to - what is wrong? I must say thank you.
Yury Shevchuk: Here.
Vladimir Putin: I have the same approach and attitude.
Yury Shevchuk: But you see, because local authorities immediately slaughtered all areas with all sorts of roundabouts in the day. There are a lot of hypocrisy.
Vladimir Putin: I agree with you here.
Yury Shevchuk: I want to tell you that last year the city fought to save the architectural center of St. Petersburg. As pressed, you even can not imagine, - Crushed a terrible thing! But we fought for the city - You were born in it - amazing, a gem in the world. There was everything, what obstacles did not put. And people only zvereet from it. Why do this? You have a lot of weight, it must be there somehow ...
Vladimir Putin: 76 kilograms.
Yury Shevchuk: Well it is.
OV Basilashvili: Allow me to support the Jura, Mr Putin. I was literally one word.
Vladimir Putin: course, Oleg Valerianovich.
OV Basilashvili: Regarding construction of the skyscraper. I do not judge - it is beautiful or not beautiful - it's not my business. Maybe it is beautiful. But the general opinion of the majority of people who have some relation to St. Petersburg, love him and know his history, that at this point to put the house impossible. Especially, 300-400-foot tall sizes.
registered Federal law, city law - all the rules blatantly violated, and we laugh in the face. And we feel that power, or someone up there wants to say that guys Laws are written for you, go into the swamp, and we do what we want. And everywhere is written: "will be will be." I am afraid that it is not even in this "gazoskrebe. Its possible to make out as a result, but in the confrontation, which begins to emerge between the government and the townsfolk who feel that their voices are not heard. Discontent is growing bigger and bigger and more - I agree with Yura in this regard. I brought a small example, but hundreds of such examples.
Yury Shevchuk: Millions.
Vladimir Putin: Oleg Valerianovich it big already, it's a great example of how times.
OV Basilashvili: Yes.
Vladimir Putin: very high. Of course, everyone should comply with the law. This is quite obvious. When I answered the question, Yuri, I stated my position. If you remember, I was then criticized for it, I am still in the early 2000's spoke of the dictatorship of the law. I still think this is the correct phrase. This refers to compliance with the law of all: the authorities and ordinary citizens, representatives of various bodies and authorities.
I'm not going to say their final views on this tower. I do not want to formulate it in public. This should solve the city authorities - is obvious. Of course, in such cases - in dialogue with the public. It is obvious fact.
You know, we very often, almost always, humiliating its own national dignity, always compare ourselves with our western neighbors, and all the time say that we are worse. Let's see that in London, let's see, in Paris. Centre Pompidou as built? What's in the middle of the Louvre?
OV Basilashvili : A terrible thing!
Vladimir Putin : I will not give an assessment. I'm just talking about what is happening there.
OV Basilashvili : Let them take an example with us, not we - with them. It is time to put an end to those skyscrapers. Around the world have not build skyscrapers, but we put in the middle of the Neva River.
Vladimir Putin : Oleg Valerianovich, I did not even say it is good or bad. I'm just saying that it is in the world everywhere. There are advocates of a philosophy of urban environment. They are and here and in the world. I repeat, I am not going to judge who is right and who is wrong. But I agree with you, of course, agree that in deciding this kind of power should be in dialogue, listen and keep in mind public opinion.
OV Basilashvili : First of all, be guided by the law.
Vladimir Putin : And by law, of course, to navigate. And are not targeted, but only to observe.
OV Basilashvili : Laws, which in this case violated. And last chord, let?
Vladimir Putin : Of course!
OV Basilashvili : we talked about, remember two years ago on the law of patronage. I am now fully support Chulpan. What does she and her friends - is a great thing. We must thank her. Those proposals, which she now expressed, also very sensible, necessary and required.
But on the other hand, it seems to me that the Law on Sponsorship can give a push to give the dynamics of all this activity. We spoke and you told me that the law seems to be already there, that he was in work and will soon be adopted. But so far no movement in this respect there.
But it is very simple. In almost all countries have such laws. And until the Russian Revolution there was a law - the honorable citizens, the nobility, and so on. That people were not profitable to invest in a yacht under 40 billion, and Chulpan in children and so on. All, I am silent. I no longer speak.
Vladimir Putin: What can I say. I can again only agree with you. Of course, we need legal regulation of such activities. Because you are now thought of the fund, which Chulpan created. I just sometimes look, frankly, too, wonder how they are persistently and consistently, and that I was particularly impressed - not sticking out yourself personally address these rather complex and very subtle things. And, of course, necessary legal framework.
You mentioned that we had before the 1917 revolution. It seems to me we had all the other country, it was a bit different civilization.
Full transcript:
Unlocking Sky Netgear Router
Ciao, my dears. What would you say? Or rather sing?
I went everywhere for you
I even did my hair for you
I bought new underwear, light blue
And I wore 'em just the other day
Next My hoarse voice breaks, even though it sounds in my opinion more beautiful than the voice of Lena's beauty - the newly-fledged winner of Eurovision.
what to write about this? I do not know.
Angela Merkel, Bravo! You really are beautiful, and as mentioned in one of our domestic cartoons: "if only it was pohavat and drink. " So it is: hawala Lena - it's wonderful. And the European nation hawala, for which I congratulate them.
And the angel with the people of his станы подпевает:
Love you, know I'll fight for you
I left on the porch light for you
Whether you are sweet or cruel
I'm gonna love you either way
Love, oh love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
'Cause I, oh I, can't go a minute without your love
Like a satellite, I'm in orbit all the way around you
And I would fall out into the night
Can't go a minute without your love
Love, I got it bad for you
I saved the best I have for you
You sometimes make me sad and blue
Wouldn't have it any other way
Стоит только reflecting on whether she has bought, following the advice of the Lena, pale blue pants for the new boyfriend, because she still has her husband.
And against all this, the order-disorder in vysokointellektulnom text pales even pedigree young beautiful girl, her grandfather, a brilliant ambassador, a friend of Merkel. Becomes completely uninteresting then, where did this homegrown songbird. In the end, I am reminded podzabornaya song that we have with friends in grade 9 selflessly performed guitar: "underage slut on crowd gathered her friends took shmotok and powdered noses, and one of them even wore clean underwear."
Love, my aim is straight and true
Cupid's arrow is just for you
I even painted my toe nails for you
I did it just the other day
Love, oh love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
'Cause I, oh I, can't go a minute without your love
Like a satellite, I'm in orbit all the way around you
And I would fall out into the night
Can't go a minute without your...
Love, oh love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
'Cause I, oh I, can't go a minute without your love
Where you go, I'll follow
You set the pace, we'll take it fast and slow
I'll follow in your way
You got me, you got me
A force more powerful than gravity
It's physics, there's no escape
В соседнем porch of my house lives a girl. Her name is Rita. Her example vividly stands in front of my eyes.
After all, my generation grew up on Ivanushka, then hung up on the walls plakatiki SMESH, and being a student of 1 year - Dima Bilan. And it's not that I personally grew up on the work of the Aquarium, the fact that all of my generation grew ever Ivanushka and BekStritBoyz: we loved seeing the beautiful boys on the scene that a good move, but still able to sing.
Lost and forgotten, seemingly well suited for such a role (albeit strange to compare him to vysheperchislennymi): he is handsome, charming, somewhat simple, but somewhat complicated, it There is a beautiful romantic song he sings, looking at the portrait of his beloved. But this is just a prince from a fairy tale! Well, what do you need?
What else? Nothing! Reply very simple: Rita from a nearby porch listening Ranetok. She has a boy, Oleg - with whom she sleeps in the 15 years it she kisses and hugs (maybe even make him a blowjob I do not care), his pictures commented vkontakte, and other men's way are not needed. She is missing and Kovalev. She wants to see on the stage of their own kind! She wants the girl with the lipstick, which she sang to her about her own Kovalev!
morning, she straightens her hair for four hours, painted in school and after school all day hanging out on the bench with the boy, whom she gave all his time and thoughts. Do you think she's in love? I do not think that it is very much in love. I bow to the version it was her own fashion and popularity, the secret is very simple: she learns to weak quartet (which means that it is not so Tupa to dislike boys at the same time not so clever, so they were afraid to invite her to dance), she walks in wearing jeans and jackets unpretentious, she painted and enjoyed tonalnikom, she has a boy. That's it.
Nowadays, everything is very simple. A. ... forget: yet they spread pictures of each other vkontakte with cute captions like "Zai, I love you so I love you ".
Again, from my speakers sounds heartbreaking:
Love, my aim is straight and true
Cupid's arrow is just for you
I even painted my toe nails for you
I did it just the other day
Love, oh love , I gotta tell you how I feel about you
'Cause I, oh I, can't go a minute without your love
Like a satellite, I'm in orbit all the way around you
And I would fall out into the night
Can't go a minute without your ...
Love, oh love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
'Cause I, oh I, can't go a minute without your love
Love, love, love, love, love
breathe, thank God, this the song ended. However, Lena, I congratulate you on winning.
That nobody of us and do not take into account. That Lena - living reflection of today's youth and most importantly, culture. My generation went to sit in the office, we are no longer scribbling sms-ki in mobile phones to a declaration of love favorite performers, some of us just do not watch Eurovision. And in Europe, as in Russia, these girls are here: Rita and Lena - rule the world. They sing about how they are laid hair and go for a walk in the evening with a boy. They are not on strike, together with the Communist Party does not run on tanks with grenades, do not listen Tsoi, not protesting against the Communist Party!
They just enjoy tonalnikom! Hallelujah!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Calories Burned Denise Austin Boot Camp
I look out the window - there is God,
He is everywhere, in each midges,
smokes marijuana in the morning reading VOGUE,
eats sushi with chopsticks rather than a spoon.
It is modern as anyone else:
For Coca-Cola - this is also it.
And if the bad He is always with me,
through the week and reinforced concrete.
Pleurodiaphragmatic Tentings Right
Braiding his scythe eternity,
Calm dynamics of sleep,
in negative infinity
shut him forever.
Let the frenzy of spring nature,
Topologies strange names
turn of programming code
Forever in its majesty.
Sedin on sprouted wheat
at the corners of the aging eye
Utopia ever
their faces with the expression "love you".
I wish you much happiness,
I wish for you bright days.
He already without you all spent
In the realm of genius-half-men.
Draw painfully cautious
Tebya.A him - never.
His eyelids rolled - and worn,
And what are your age?
Is worth
burn your heart and run another cycle?
Every gesture of turning in kilohertz
Electricity that "suddenly?"!
Temperature Gradient Solver
Institute and our rather fragile peace
C Zemfira through two speakers,
Where "Cochin, Kibel and Rose" - I do not idol,
But I wear the stigma of Fluid Mechanics.
And if to squeeze my weary day,
lavender dew there happen,
And a thousand one-night laziness
without SRT one attempts to learn.
I now weave pile rows
With hope in somebody once again.
And my source leaves in my same stock -
And the world, the dipole bend, is twofold.
I'm the same as the whole course,
And we do not know why it all.
Because the entropy does not try to taste
And late to turn back to the shop poets.
We learn, frantically bending,
the light bulb and rumbling laptop.
And it seems an eternity flashed past,
not moving stones of the three angles of science.
Reach, from the gray evening,
Instead of course - a bunch of new faces.
And the worst of his favorite dreams -
Sedov, one hundred and fifth page.
Xanax For Quiting Smoking
I so she said: "What I am, and everyone,
and no reason to wait until the end."
And her lips ran twice
around my face ...
But she did not answer, did not write and reset. And boy with blue in love - suddenly! - Al is not admitted. MCC commissioned, but happiness is not felt in the air. this is when you're labeled, confirming your own insignificance as - And what, he wondered, with such lines do?
And as I said: "My hopes and fears
yours - it's smoke."
But his fingers touched my clothes,
and I was quite otherwise.
But his brown old and wrinkles around the eyes, and he has blue-ice-ice. And that to me, I ask, do? Will take years (and they fly so unforgivable fast!) - and it is no longer a boy, and he a young man. All the old port, and it seems that leaves the best time. Though the best time already spent - And a weakness, such a sadness and longing, that though topis.
I also said: "You - my freedom,
but slavery yours - it's me."
She looked quickly and proudly,
like indeed - mine.
And suddenly rolled forward: but it is not yours and not his. and a draw at all. She sat down at the laptop and wrote poems about anything. She paints a portrait not them, but to itself: 1000 portraits about their own loneliness. And Vysotsky sings about the phone ... And you call me late for a lifetime! And in this story, I - and I Vysotsky-Marina Vladi, but you never took his best movie.
Then I told her: "Remember the voice
and invented all the words."
And suddenly I saw: I just dolt -
she's all right.
And suddenly realizes - It has none of you fall in love as ever.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
My White Wife Wants To Have A Black Baby
; И в мире нет людей бесслезней,
Надменнее и проще нас.
In treasured amulet does not wear on his chest,
about her sobbing did not compose poems,
Our bitter dream it reopen,
not seem to promise paradise.
not do her in his heart
subject of buying and selling,
Khvorov, bedstvuya, nemotstvuya on it,
about her not even remember.
Yes for us it's dirt on the galoshes,
Yes, for us it's crunch on the teeth. And
We melem and mesim, and crumble
That in no way mixed dust.
But we lie down in it and become it,
why and call so freely - his way.
How Many Calories Burned Denise Austin
boy with icy eyes
easy to publish
Melt like sugar in tea.
you at the desk on dosroke
before God to answer.
In this plane of incidence
My Butusov from the column,
As a last oblivion
forgotten in color film.
It seems to curse,
You have been chosen, but I'm on takeoff.
I pull the dress
and coloring the face.
you in the worlds of-spaces-in vain!
I'm on air express.
I again draw your
Nenevestnaya bride.
I meet the Prince of the South.
He, like you, in a scarf was born.
I pray to her friends,
you to tell me not a dream.
May 13, 2010 at 0:39
forgotten so easily, and boundless,
bathed in tears -
Now to rest.
Today May.
fell out of love with excellence, but gently,
I am now covered in diamonds
But not with you forever.
This sweet and tart,
You're as beautiful as before,
And probably time
You will not spoil.
And I believe in the "on",
I want to lose weight,
as a model escort.
I want to area Soho,
Where are all different,
I'm from the world of some
figure is not yours.
one second to breath
swallowed languor -
And once realized -
love is not two.
Hairy sounds,
Farewell weekdays.
Again, I'm out
Without him on the ledge.
I love these brown,
voice and hands.
and hide like a shadow
Among the red wings.
Cavity Filling Cost Maine
- America? America - it is like ... an office chair! Comfortable, functional, ruchechki everywhere, you can customize for themselves. But boring. And England - she as an old leather armchair. Clumsy, heavy, somewhere rubbed somewhere leaky. But cozy!
- And Russia?
- Hmm ... garden bench. Blowing. Splinters. But it carved our names.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Recipe For Giant Cupcake Pan
all wrong.
he loves me not, but I just hate it.
we did not succeed. but still it hurts badly and offensively. and I can not do anything: even kill it can not.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Welcome Note For Wedding Guests Samples
ho visto questo film. E `stupedissimo e stupendo.
and .... do not even believe it, but really about me
Antique Wooden Ironing Boards
Scarborough Fair
you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,
Say hello to the man who lives there,
Once he was my real love.
Tell him to let him sew me a cambric shirt,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,
No needles and no stitches,
Then it will be my true love.
Tell him, let him find me an acre of land,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,
between salty ocean water and the coast,
Then it will be my true love.
Tell him that he take off his leather crop with a sickle,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,
and gather it all in a bunch of heather,
Then it will be my true love.
you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,
Say hello to the man who lives there,
Once he was my real love.
Women's Murder Club Critical Error
thy mouth
My love is repulsive,
I put them everywhere.
Although not love,
Under this power, wondrous
I'm obsessed with you.
Heinrich Von Morungen. 13 century. Poetry minnesingers .
read a quote one vkontakte friend - and do not understand why people read the medieval tales of King Arthur?
what that means: perverse form of masochism, or just a dream of boots and a white horse? it is now fashionable?
Indeed, in summer 2010 anyone - even you - not like Don Quixote, and these people end up badly, dear. And the image of a romantic troubadour accident You do not go, really.
So ....
Chretien de Troyes develops one of the main provisions of the new understanding of courtly love as a service to a married lady considering it the most perfect and worthy form of passion.
now almost out of creativity:
whole world Love has won,
Everywhere She triumphed
without a fight in the battle,
And hater its
Ivaynu destined to fall in love,
And the heart without not to fight,
Though unknown mistress,
What a corpse already
She cruelly revenged:
; Killer saucy fascinated.
fatally beauty,
And there is no reliable shield
from this delightful affliction.
life and death is not in our power.
sharper than any blade
Love stink for sure.
incurable the wound.
hurts more, oddly enough, She
in the presence of a physician,
blood of young hot.
terrible persecution of all
Incurable wounds.
Iveyn Love defeated,
suffer eternally condemned.
Love could, as we know,
Settle everywhere.
And, as Love did not bother
wandering among different locations,
Providing preference
monastery, where the desolation?
As if not knowing shame,
She settles there,
Exits and hurries back
hundredfold and thousandfold,
housing is not cast his own.
Such a deity:
and being desolate lives,
misery prefers,
satisfied with her Nest,
As if in the best house
She solemnly moved in
And with all my heart glad.
From the heights of steps down into the mud
Love, no shame.
So one can not but marvel:
Heavenly Love bring shame upon oneself,
spraying here and there in the stench of dust
your balm,
Blossoms at the wretched place,
And her shame dearer honor.
Her cooking if you please eat!
And bile mix with sugar
Sometimes tries and even
Podbavit honey to the black soot.
Love pursues the Kings,
subservient to it each Knight,
humbly serve her monks,
And in front of her ladies in fear.
Love the throat of all assumes,
And everyone knows in advance
Psalms of Love, the holy hymns.
Read letters of gold!
Henry von Morungen demonize Minne (medieval image of the ancient Greek goddess Venus). Sometimes Minne portrayed as magical, sickness, almost deadly force and as a religious and mystical image.
and again a little creativity:
lady, if you want to cure me,
look at me moment.
I can not resist more,
because I would have lost lives.
I'm sick, my heart is wounded,
Lady, with me it did
my eyes and your red lips.
lady, look at my pain,
before I lose my life.
You told me one word:
changed it, dear lady.
You always say no, No,
no, no, no, no, no,
and that you break my heart.
Can not you ever say yes,
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes?
That's what bothers my heart.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Thanks Quotes For Birthday
Here is my prediction for summer 2010: The turn in the session and are wearing colorful scarves. In general, all as I love you. The color of the season? Creamy, flesh, pink, powder color, dark blue and floral prints. I advise you to go to the TOPSHOP and buy a short dress with roses, as on the couches of his Majesty Marie Antoinette, or ZARA and acquire kombenizonom in fine flower - and, once in the 70's Stella McCartney, walk it around the city, Recalling that a village doyarochek skirts, or the endless alpine meadows. Wearing leggings in the same flower! Let this be your disguise among flowering bushes and colors, let the flowers become your credo, at least for summer 2010! Do not forget to trim your boyfriend jeans and turn them into elegant shorts, as well as about the clip and the bag of my grandmother's trunk. Swimsuit better than to sneak a mother, make her pokoposhitsya in the closet and remember the youth and the songs "Flower children", then right rastsvetna you provided, the upper: only a strip of cloth tied shnurochkom to tie around his neck. A pair of plain T-shirts and cozy cardigans in case of unexpected cold weather. At the foot place of crystal shoes sandals, straw sandals or Florentine - and forward, forward, forward: conquer Moscow, Paris and New York.
Tortoise For Sale Ontario
I continue to look for a room or apartment. odnushka is outdated, so am looking for a room or kopeck piece.
formed requirement:
- no further 15 minutes walk from the subway (an exception may be for Novoslobodskaya / Mira / Riga in case of work to close)
- less than 3.4 station from the ring (Exception - the orange and gray branches, can be up to Medvedkovo or Otradny respectively)
- no more than 15,000 for the room
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Sony Amp For Kicker Amp
and it happened a miracle: it all started again, as if to scroll wheel. Again it was the session - and I somehow feel itself as a freshman and still am afraid that I was kicked out, and just as faithfully believe that my angels to me for the umpteenth time to help. I sit and listen to Luca Carboni - and I think as though I'm almost back to the beginning: when the sun was radiant, and life - tart. I feel the warmth of those places about which so dreamed of before - and, surprisingly, they are again warm me. I so passionately desire to pass the session - and at least one step closer to the time when my life changed. I look at myself - and I feel complete dissatisfaction with them, but I believe it will pass .. I really want to fix that feeling. learn as much as possible. pass an exam tomorrow. and if I still have time - to make something in this life.
I feel like slowly back to my innocence and lightness of being. I feel like crying, but I know it well.
Lord, thy ways inscrutable. Make everything as it should - because only you know how to correct. I only ask you to help me and this time with the session. do not let the hope that one day life radically changed. and save me from myself.